
it all started when…

Julie Manthey met Jesus in 2001 and got called into campus ministry in 2002 through Chi Alpha at Minnesota State University, Mankato. In June 2003, she began her career in Chi Alpha by planting a student group atSouthwest MN State University. After a few year stint at the Chi Alpha District Office, Julie and Chris came to the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities in November 2011. Originally Julie was the admin and soon after, bookkeeper as well. Chris did Celebrate Recovery and Elijah House Prayer Counseling as well as led missions trips.

In 2011, Chris came off campus to become a paramedic and Julie continues to serve to this day. The couple have 3 boys, Isaiah (7), Caleb (5), and Levi (5). They have also been in the adoption process for a couple of years and are awaiting a phone call that a birth mom picked them!

These days Julie is the Missions Pastor. She plans and oversees the various trips that we do throughout the year. She also creates a missions culture of Go, Give, Pray. As the Alumni Pastor, she keeps in contact with alumni, helps them give and stay connected via the XA Alumni Network, and keeps them in the know via banquets, newsletters, and our Facebook group. She also loves to mentor women both students and incoming campus pastors.

Chi Alpha at the University of Minnesota– Twin Cities will raise up and disciple 100 small group leaders to reach 1000 Gophers by August 2021. We will do this primarily through small groups of students leading students, growing the Kingdom through salvations of new believers, and training all of our students to love their peers well.

It’s an exciting season and you get to be part of God’s hand at work at the University and in the lives of Gophers!

We are blessed to get to know you better and have you on the team!

-Julie, Chris, and the Boys

Or support can be mailed to:

The Assemblies of God

1445 N. Boonville Ave

Springfield, MO 65802

Acct # 700001-296541